October Newsletter

WHo CAREs!? Chronicles

Welcome to our monthly newsletter!

I remember it as October days are always remembered, cloudless, the air gold and so clean it quivers ―

Leif Enger

Hey there, caring friends!

It's been a while since we've checked in, and we've got a lot to catch up on.

From regenerative agriculture to indigenous land stewardship, there's been a lot happening at WHo CAREs!? Chronicles.

Summer Adventures and Agricultural Insights :

This summer we got to visit the Quinto Sapore farm in Umbria, our very own Agnes (Head of Content & Food Expert) spent two weeks there doing a deep dive into regenerative farming. We are exploring a unique agriculture project featuring Indigenous land stewardship (more on that soon).

New Partnerships and Collaborations:

Nora has accepted to become a Dirt ambassador and has added Dirt to our cherished list of WHo CAREs!? Chronicles Partners. 

Stay tuned as we plan activations with this new partner.

September Highlights: Venice Biennale and Climate Week:

September was a whirlwind with many meetings and forward momentum on the E.I project, first Nora attended the Venice Biennale, This year’s edition, under the visionary leadership of Brazilian curator Adriano Pedrosa was a landmark event centered on Indigenous craftmanship. The curator is the first Latin American of the Biennale, the second curator working in the Global South (the first one was in 2015). Entitled “Foreigners Everywhere,” the Biennale takes a bold step towards inclusivity, placing artists from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East at center stage. Gone are the days of Eurocentric dominance; Pedrosa rewrites the narrative of art history, showcasing previously overlooked 20th-century artists from the South alongside established Western Modernists.

While in Venice, Nora also attended the Salt of the Earth gala. Founded by Sophie Hunter, the foundation and initiative raises awareness of Salt Marches. Thank you Sophie for your kind invitation and important work

While in Venice, Nora was also invited to the third edition of Homo Faber, a celebration of contemporary craftsmanship. Art Director, Luca Guadagnino combined his vision with architect Nicolò Rosmarini to immerse visitors in a rich human narrative. The event was located on San Giorgio Maggiore island. Homo Faber had exceptional scenography, handcrafted objects made by talented craftspeople from all over the world, live artisan demonstrations and unique experiences.

Climate Week in NYC was filled with meetings and lots of progress made on our E.I project…Stay tuned for more announcement soon. 

We took part in the Conscious Leaders Summit, and joined our partners from Green is the New Black to bring in some content and our signature ‘Conversations with Earth’ with Hila the Earth! If you don’t yet know her, check out her work here

Hila the Earth is an Eco-Rapper, Comedian and Content Creator. She performs as Planet Earth, writes songs, and makes videos about ecological topics such as trees, vegetables, compost, soil health, water, mushrooms, reducing plastic waste, and the list keeps growing. This won’t be the last time we collaborate with her, so if you missed it, check in later… 😉

October Updates: World Living Soils Forum and More:

October has also been busy, first with WHo CAREs!? Chronicles participation in the World Living Soils Forum, Moët Hennessy has been committed for many years to the preservation of living soils and launched in 2022, as part of a collective initiative, the World Living Soils Forum, a gathering dedicated to the preservation, health, and regeneration of soils. Bringing together for 2 days all the communities involved, with over 100 internationally renowned experts, to create synergies, share knowledge, and agree on methodologies and indicators for monitoring and impact assessment, to accelerate the transition. Co-organized with our historical partner ChangeNOW to have a greater impact and integrate more solutions, the second edition of the World Living Soils Forum took place on October 8th and 9th, 2024 in LUMA Arles. 

We continued with our Soil journey in Champagne, we attended the first Regenerative Organic Alliance forum in Europe. A very informative day alongside another wonderful caring partner, Champagne Telmont.

A word from our founder: 

This month is Hispanic History Month…from Sept 15th until tomorrow October 15th. Tomorrow also marks a very important day for me as it will be the anniversary of my mother’s passing. October is also an opportunity to celebrate day of Dia de Los Muertos. In Spain, October 15th is also known as the longest night of Spain.

Teresa of Ávila died on the night of the 4th to the 15th of October 1582. This is not a joke, nor a typo: on that night, Spain changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar.

Celebrating the people in our lives whether alive or not is an important part of being human. This month, like every year in October, I will be watching Coco (Top 10 Highest-Grossing Pixar Films) I love that story for many reasons… including the fact that my own grandmother was named Coco. Happy memorial and celebration.

From the WHo CAREs!? Chronicles team,

Nora, Agnes, Magdalena, Swaarthi, Jeni & Melvina

Nora Gherbi